Professor Dominic Verity
Mathematical Sciences Institute, The Australian National University
Dom Verity started his computational career in the early 1980s as a software developer for the influential British personal computing pioneer Acorn Computers; the company that invented the now ubiquitous ARM microprocessor. He studied at the University of Cambridge (UK) and emerged from that institution in 1992 with a PhD in Pure Mathematics. In the 1990s he worked in the investment banking industry, as a mathematical consultant in derivative securities valuation and hedging, as a quantitative analyst in equity derivatives for Deutsche Bank Australia and as the Head of Equity Derivatives Trading for HSBC Australia. He returned to the academy at the turn of the millenium and is now an Emeritus Professor at Macquarie University, having contributed to that institution for over 2 decades as a research mathematician, as a highly regarded (and nationally awarded) teacher of computer science, and in numerous academic management and leadership roles. He is currently a Research Professor at the ANU in Canberra, where he is funded by the US Army to study applications of higher dimensional geometry and algebra to the theory and practice of quantum computation.