Professor Michael Johnson
School of Computing
Macquarie University
Michael Johnson is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Macquarie University where, amongst other roles, he was Founding Scientific Director of the Optus Macquarie University Cyber Security Hub. He is deeply committed to teaching and research, and is something of an anti-bureaucrat, hating paperwork and over-regulation, and wanting to refocus university education on individuals and their learning. In striving for that he has been led into oversight of the accreditation of Australian university IT degrees for the ACS (Director, Professional Standards Board, 2011-2015 and 2017-2022), and he has served as Chair of the Seoul Accord (2019-2023). Those things involve a lot of paperwork, and quite a bit of regulation. Ironically, that paperwork and regulation can be very useful, when used well, in ensuring that universities do focus on individuals and their learning.