Australian Cyber Security Games


We are excited to announce the upcoming Australian Cyber Security Games (SECedu CTF Competition)! The competition will commence on 2nd September and run for four weeks. There will be an overall theme for the Australian Cyber Security Games, however it will feature a new challenge for each of the four weeks. The Australian Cyber Security Games will take place virtually and only require a part-time commitment. Whilst all Australian Cyber Security Games participants are invited to the conference, there is no requirement to attend. Teams will comprise up to 4 members, all of whom must be current students. Teams must include their host institution in their name (multiple teams from the same institution are allowed). The winners will be announced during the conference.

Registration Deadline: Enter your team by the 12th of August.


  • There are 4 x CREST CPSA exam vouchers (retail value of $525 per voucher).

  • Every team entered will win a ‘LUNCH WITH A CISO’.

  • Additional prizes will be announced over the coming weeks.

The winners will be announced, and prizes awarded at the SECedu 2024 Conference.

Prepare to test your skills, collaborate with peers, and compete for amazing prizes!

Leaderboard 2024

Thank you to our Supporters